If you’re hungry for a 3S Birthday Challenge, the stop by The Dining Car to feast on one or two, oh heck, how about three or four. There will be plenty of gifts given to feed that appetite!
Check in at The Chat Station so that you find out about the schedule for the 3S Birthday Chats! Don’t forget to make an appearance at these special events, you just never know what is going to happen or who will show up.

Before you leave each stop along the way, be sure to take your parting gift and leave some birthday love and wishes!
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Thank you for stopping by! Now, I am sending you on your way to Sandra Coverts Blog!
Have fun!
Kimmi, your birthday kit is amazing.
I love the date wheel and the yummy looking cake. May I have a piece please? LOL
I just saw the "tease" in the post below of your new kit. OMG!!!!! I love the colors. I can hardly wait to see it.
Thanks for sharing your birthday treats with everyone.
Big Hugs!
Thanks so much, Kimmi!!
Thank you, so cute!
thanks - you talent is showing...AGAIN! LOVE YOUR BLOG
Miss Jane
Cute stuff! Thanks so much for sharing!!! Looking forward to all the birthday fun!
Woohoo! The train has started! I love that date wheel!
Thanks a lot for the great kit!
Soooo cute! Thanks for sharing!
thank you.
Thank you very much for the goodies
Thank you Kimberly this is so awesome!
Happy 4th Birthday!!
Thanks for the sweet gift, Kimberly!
Thank you so much!
What a fun cake and date wheel. Thank you so much for your gift to us, Kimberly!
Thanks Kimmie!!! HB to 3S!!
Thanks for the email about this and for the gift. What fun!
Thank you for the great kit!
Love your birthday kit! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much for this Kimmi! Really outdid yourself this time!
Thanks so much!!!
Thanks so much for this great part of the kit!!!
Love the date dial ! thank you for your generous gift. I'm new to 3Scrapateers (found it at DeDe's Station as my dd is a big fan of hers and we have to check her blog every week. Look forward to unpacking your kit to see your work in more detail.
What a cute little kit. I totally love the cake, hehe. Thanks for sharing and for sending me on my way to the next stop : ) Hugs and aloha!!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much.
happy birthday :-)
Happy Birthday to you all and thank you.
Thank you :-)
Oh, how wonderful! Thank you.
Thanks so much, Kimmi! I love the jellies :)
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