To start things off, on Saturday, January 31st, Tanner was at his Dad’s for the weekend and they went to practice for a motox race. He crashed pretty good and went head over handle bars (several times, I later found out and then crashed a few more times because he couldn’t hold onto the handle bars)… but the arse (my ex) made it sound like it wasn’t a big deal. We took Tanner to urgent care for what the docs thought was a stress fracture in his left wrist/arm. They put a partial/splint cast on it and wrapped it with ace bandages so that he could take it off to shower and then we were to go back on Thursday to have is re-checked once the swelling went down. Tanner was instructed to take it easy for the whole week by the doctor. (Yeah right, this doctor doesn't know my kid! LOL)

On Friday at about 2:30pm, I had Kaytelynn go to the Wendy’s, he wanted fries and a pop…. Even after I tried bribing him to eat ice cream, a frosty or anything that he want and none of that worked so I knew his was seriously not feeling well. He took only a couple of bites of the fries and a drink of the coke and then vomited it all back up. (Oh I was able t get him to eat a banana earlier in the day but that was it.) I took his temp several times throughout the day, which was normal. I called Eric to talk to him about it and then called Kaiser. They said to bring him into Urgent Care that opened at 5:30pm for sign in because there weren't any appointments available.
We go to the Urgent Care, I requested x-rays of his chest and abdomen which they did. They also did a urine sample to see if there was blood in his urine. The doctor stated that she had consulted with several doctors and doctors at Kaiser Sunnyside Hospital in Clackamas, Oregon. They wanted him to have CT scans at Sunnyside for possible internal bleeding/organ injury. That way, if there needed to be any intervention (surgery or whatever) they were more equipped to do it than an Urgent Care.
We went to the ER as instructed and went directly back to the CT scan are because they were waiting for us. He had to drink a couple of cups of nasty tasting dye that looked like lemon aide and each cup had to be 40 minutes apart. He didn’t like it at all and kept begging me to not make him drink it, that he was going to vomit. I let the doctors know that he was saying that might throw up and they told him to do the best that he could.

After the CT scan, they sent us back to an ER room, where they eventually told us that an ambulance was going to transport Tanner to OHSU/Dorenbecher’s Children’s Hospital and that they needed to get an IV started. Tanner and I both started to cry a bit. That worried us both. Both splints were back on his arms and the doctor and nurses were just peeved that the CT scan people had take out the first IV, so they had to put the IV into his left shoulder because he was becoming dehydrated and his veins were collapsing! While waiting for the ambulance, Eric had shown up which really helped to ease both of us.
Tanner rode in the ambulance (no lights/sirens) with the EMTs by himself, which he was ok with. They weren’t really waiting for us so Eric and I both drove our own vehicles following the ambulance to the children’s hospital. I had no idea that it was going to be such a long drive…. At least it felt that way. My ex-husband, Troy was there waiting for us to arrive (he is a story all unto himself through this whole ordeal and dang near drove me, Tanner, the doctors and nurses nuts!) After being seen in the OHSU ER, the doctors and surgical team reviewed his CT scans and admitted Tanner to Doernbecher’s for a possible spleen laceration/internal bleeding. He was given a room where he was not allowed to eat or drink in case they had to do surgery, but they did put in an IV solution to keep him from getting dehydrated.

Now the hard part will be to keep this 12 year old boy from running, jumping and anything else that could cause any further spleen damage while he is supposed to be healing over the next 4 weeks. God helps us all!
I dont know what I would have done without Eric being there for us. He surely helped to keep us all calm! I also don't know what we would have done without my Mom, Diana. She came over to our house, took Kaytelynn shopping for the items to make lasagna and helped her get ready for her high school dance. She made the lasagna for her boyfriend, Gary, before the dance.

Now that I have written a novel about our little escapades over the last week, how about a freebie or two for you?! Two of our fabulous Royal Muses, Kabra and Bonnie, have put together some wonderful goodies for you all! Kabra created 2 - 4x6 Valentine Cards and Bonnie created some Vaentine word art.
Download here and be sure to leave the gals some love! (No password needed)
Don't forget to subscribe to my blog, there will be a few more goodies for you as the week goes on, since I was unable to get them posted last week and over the weekend!!
You all have had some week! He looks so pathetic in those casts! I know the whole thing had many scary moments - thank goodness it was not more serious than it turned out to me-bad enuff for sure!!! Good luck during the recovery period with that boy! lol
Thanks for the nice freebies too!
Will he have to go on 'homebound' at school? Gina had a bad kidney infection when she was young and here in SC that's how they keep up, usually a teacher drops by but we were out of District so just got her work.
You really did a great job on journaling all this! Thanks for sharing with us! I wish Tanner could meet my 16 YO nephew Chevy, they would really hit it off! Chevy started riding dirt bikes at 3, he was a toddler riding around with no training wheels on his bike!
Whew! You've had quite a week, Kimmi! So thankful Tanner was not seriously hurt---even though he has gone through quite a lot. Not to mention his mom (and family).
Sending my best wishes for a quick recovery. Hang in there and keep the faith!
Also, I'd like to thank Kabra and Bonnie for the freebie goodies. They're terrific! Hugs, Karen (aka GatorGirl)
Oh my goodness! Poor Tanner :( He will definitley be in my prayers. I have a 12 year old too so I can imagine how hard it will be to keep him inactive.
I'm so sorry for all the ordeal with Tanner. I hope you recovers quickly and fully- fast!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Valentines post on Feb. 11, 2009. Thanks again.
The entire Florida outlaws send their prayers and best wishes for you and Tanner for a speedy recovery.
Ah, the poor kid. I'm so sorry that happened to him. I hope everything heals perfectly. Thank you for the cute freebie :)
Oh my gosh! Your poor son, Tanner...nobody should have to go through all of that - especially a child. I'm glad to hear he is on the mend, although trying to keep him calm for that length of time sounds as though your ordeal is only beginning! Poor guy...with two full casts, how is he gonna scratch his itches????
I hope all continues well for you and yours. Thank you too for putting up a freebie in the midst of all your trials. Your generosity is appreciated.
Oh my gosh, Kimmi! I was on pins and needles reading all about Tanner's ordeal! As a mom myself, I was sweating bullets and I can't even begin to imagine YOUR feelings throughout all this.
Poor Tanner! I am SO thankful he's gonna be okay, and I'll say his name in my prayers that he continues to heal.
And I'll say a special one for you - that you can keep him quiet and resting comfortably while he mends!
Hang in there, mom - you are doing a GREAT job!
Love ya,
Wow what an awful ordeal! Boys sure keep a mother on her toes! My 3 sons are grown thank God! I hope your son mends soon!
WOW, Girl you have your hands FULL. I wanted to leave you a comment to let you know that I have just found your blog...I won't ask how you have been...but wanted to say Hello and I have been thinking of you. I sure remember those youngest had us running all the time. He is now 22 and STILL calls mom every time something happens with what to do, you would think as much as it happened in his younger days, he would remember...I know that doesn't give you much hope but as least you know your loved . . .Boys are the worst about this stuff.
I will be back!
Dawn aka Snowsmoon's Design
what an ordeal! so sorry for you and Tanner.Hope he heals fast
Really lovely to send all these freebies even when you're in the middle of a huge time in your home! Really admire you!
Hey Kimmi...Gawd,i can fully understand how painful it might have been on ur family,u n most of all ur kid...on the bright side...nice to know all of u pulled through it...actually last Saturday(Jyly 29/2012)my 7 year old fractured his elbow...we went to ER immediately,had his Xray taken n they found out a fracture in his humerus bone..we r going to the Orthopedic this Thursday...i'm very stressed out..could u please tell me how Tanner's doing right nw...i hv read horrible stuffs on net that if growth plates get fractured then it hampers the normal growth of the arm n stuff...m really breaking down not...any response from u would b highly appreciated....
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