It's been a rough week for us here. Last Friday, we had to put one of our dogs down. Miss Daisy was very sick and nothing more could be done for her to keep her comfortable and for her to be able to lead a happy life. I really had no idea how much heart ache that would cause us all, including her brother, Jack, who is clearly still morning her loss, as we all are. We keep getting asked when we are going to get another dog. Sometimes, when I hear that question, it makes me sad and other times, it makes me angry. It's not like we can just go out and replace Daisy. There will never be one just like her. She was our fur baby, just like one of our kids. We are missing her something terrible! I just wish some people would just think before they speak! I wouldn't ask someone that had a parent or child pass away, if they were getting another one! (Just saying.)
Rest in peace Miss Daisy Madeline Braveheart.
Well, onto some other news before I soak my keyboard here!
I have five new items in my store at Scrapbook-Elements this week!
Stop by and check them out.
Just a reminder…
There is still time for another
“Once In A Blue Moon Event”
at SBE!
Be sure to watch this thread here in the Scrapbook-Elements Forum!

How about a little gift for all of you!
This darling 12x12 inch Quick Page was created by our very own Royal Muse, Debbie,
using my Heavenly Angels - Mini 1 page set.

If you download, please leave Debbie a bit of thanks for taking the time to create such a lovely gift!
Download here and enjoy!
Thank you so very much for this beautiful QP. I love the side border on it.
This is perfect! Thanks!
i see on your blog u help with headers and design of blogs but i see nowhere to contact u.
please contact me
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